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My U of A Bucket List

Posted by Belajar Musik on Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Do you have a bucket list? A university bucket list? I do. It includes all kinds of things that I want to do before I graduate. After all, university is a time for discovery and growth, and a bucket list should help me to track my achievements. So, below is my U of A bucket list. I hope that reading it will inspire you to start thinking about your list… because the final item on my list (spoiler alert!) is to create the ultimate to do list in time for September. So, take a look at my list, and then hit the comments to add your ideas. Together we should be able to build something awesome! 

My List:

1. Find out what’s at the top floor of the Tory Building

I love a good mystery! Getting to the top floor of Tory (the 14th floor, to be exact) takes determination and patience, as the elevator makes stops on nearly every floor on the way up. I plan to stick with it though, because I’m sure that the top must have one of the best views on this side of the river. Plus, I’ve heard that you can only see this particular view for yourself (since the wire mesh that covers the windows prevents anyone from taking a decent photo of the view). 

2. Join a club

The U of A has clubs for nearly anything you can imagine — engineering, accounting, dance, scuba diving, numerous cultures and religions — and the best part is, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can create your own. I’ve personally been interested in joining the Outdoors group, which takes yearly, cost-effective road trips to California for New Years. And for a surprising twist in my everyday routine, the Swing-Out Edmonton Dance Club offers swing dance lessons nearly every Tuesday in ECCHA during the fall term – after a few classes, I’m hoping to  really show off some new dance skills at parties and bars (I’ll look so cool, just you wait and see).

3. Make friends with someone unexpected

This campus is swarming with students – there are over 30,000 of us! Every student has their own unique story to tell, and whether that story involves living in a far-away land, surviving an unbelievable adventure, or pursuing a passion that I’m less educated about, I want to know those stories. So don’t be afraid if someone random pulls up a chair beside you, because I just want to get to know you. 

4. Pull an all-nighter

Before I started attending the U of A, this was one thing I thought I would for sure check off of my list in my first term. Turns out, all-nighters are not as common as the rumours make it out to be. Nevertheless, it doesn’t seem right to graduate my degree without having at least one all-nighter under my belt, whether it’s to finish an essay or to party with my friends (during Reading Week, of course… also, just a reminder – we get two Reading Weeks this year).

If I don’t naturally find myself up all night at some point this fall, I’ll likely try to attend the “Long Night Against Procrastination” (hyperlink:, which is hosted by the Centre for Writers (this year it’s running from Nov. 19-20). The event will give me an excuse to hang out in the Library past midnight, but will also connect me with free tutors, workshops, and best of all, food!

5. Study abroad

I’ve heard many stories from friends and classmates about their experiences studying abroad, and they seem too exciting to pass up. As an English major whose favourite authors just happen to be Irish, taking a literature course in Ireland is my ultimate goal. 

7. Get an A

Nothing feels better than working your butt off and achieving the best grade possible. So, full disclosure (and hopefully it doesn’t sound like I’m bragging, but), I’ve already crossed this one off my list. But, I really really really hope to create a running tally for this list item. It took a lot of hard work to get my first A, but it was worth it, and I think the effort to get more will be just as rewarding. 

8. Befriend a professor 

Finding an academic guru to turn to for career advice, academic insight, and maybe even a round of Dewey’s pool, would definitely be awesome. I want to be the student who has a prof run out on stage to give them a big congratulatory hug when they graduate. Or if not a hug, an approving head nod would suffice.

9. Have a run-in with Guba and/or Patches

Okay, I’ll admit it: I’m afraid of mascots. Something must have happened to me during my developing years that I don’t seem to remember but has since scarred me. Despite this irrational fear, I hope to one day encounter campus mascots. Luckily, from what I’ve heard, they give great, non-threatening hugs!

10. Celebrate a milestone or achievement with friends at Dewey’s

Dewey’s is our laidback campus pub that feels a like a cross between an indie coffee shop and a super chill bar, and it seems like the kind of place where you would run into a mix of friends, classmates, and professors… and it even feels like the kind of place where you would WANT to run into that mix of people, which is why I think it would be fun to celebrate after a final or something.

11.  Build the Ultimate U of A To Do List

I know that my list might not be your university list – and I want to know what you would put on your list! So, here’s my personal challenge to you: Let’s build the ultimate U of A to do list. Hit the comments and add your suggestions for the things that you think every U of A student should try to accomplish before graduation. (Or at the very least, add something that you want to accomplish during your time as a student.)


About the Author


Rachel Wieringa never leaves her house without a pair of good headphones, her current favourite read, and a cup of tea. As a third-year, English Major/Linguistics Minor you could safely assume words are her comfort zone. Although being alone with a cat is her natural habitat, she can often be found hanging around campus or downtown with friends, either attending a local concert or trying her best to enjoy nature despite her eternal (and completely rational) fear of insects and bugs.

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